ChatGPT for your Corporate Documents

Find Answers From Your Documents

"Find answers, understand key points, or generate new documents"

ChatGPT integrated with Document Management

We are excited to announce the integration of SearchExpress Document Management software with ChatGPT, a powerful language model developed by OpenAI. This integration brings a host of new capabilities to SearchExpress Document Management, including question answering from your own corporate documents, document summarization, and new document generation.

With the ChatGPT integration, you can now ask natural language questions about your documents and receive answers in seconds. Imagine being able to ask, "What is the status of project X?" and instantly receiving a summary of the latest updates from all relevant documents. Or, asking "What are the key findings from this report?" and receiving a concise summary of the most important information.

ChatGPT-Enhanced Report Generation for SearchExpress

Creating detailed reports can be complex and time-consuming, often requiring users to specify numerous criteria, such as which records to select, and which fields to include, and how to subtotal and total fields. Our new ChatGPT integration for SearchExpress simplifies this process by allowing you to use natural language prompts to generate comprehensive reports. Whether you need totals, subtotals, or detailed data selections, ChatGPT takes care of the complexity, making report generation faster and easier.

For a short demo of the ChatGPT-powered report writer, click here.


SearchExpress can utilize agents to automate various tasks. For instance, in a medical office setting, if an insurance claim is denied, SearchExpress can automatically generate a customized appeal letter and send it directly to the insurance company via email.

Use ChatGPT to analyze documents

Use ChatGPT to populate fielded data from images and documents

For example, extract patient names and procedure codes from medical records.

Use ChatGPT to analyze images

SearchExpress can rapidly analyze large volumes of images and documents, such as those used in quality control, medical diagnostics, or surveillance.

Search Video and Audio Files

SearchExpress can use AI to automatically generate very accurate transcripts of training videos, Zoom meetings, and other video and audio files.

You can search by words and phrases to see which videos contain that search phrase and go directly in the video to where the words are spoken.

AI-Generated Summaries

SearchExpress lets you easily grasp the key points of your videos, audios, Word, PDF and other documents with automatic summaries.

Automated Translation

SearchExpress can automatically translate the text for any document, e.g., Spanish to English or English to Spanish.

Generate New Documents

For instance, if you need a sales offer letter for your quantum computer, simply search for the computer's specifications. These details can then be automatically used to create a tailored sales letter for your product.

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